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Happy New Year and Best Wishes for your Best Year EVER in 2019!

It’s been awhile since I released one of these but I’m excited to get back to our regular updates. We’ve improved the format so it works everywhere (including mobile). The idea is to share a few articles that can help you improve your Wealth Health and make better use of all your precious resources: Time, Money & Energy.

Let me know how this works – the good stuff and the areas where we can improve what we’re offering you.

Happy New Year!

We hope it’s your Best Ever!

Kid’s & Money

Want your kids to be better with finance? Don’t make them afraid of money.

Recession Proof?

The Stock Market (and economy) has had a 10-year run. A Recession is coming. Are You Ready?

We’re going to keep it short this week. Normally, we’ll share a total of 5 articles but in light of the holiday and just getting this going … 3 should be enough. Expect future releases to arrive on Tuesdays.

Your’s in Wealth Health,


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